Tuesday 9 July 2013

Ramadhan Journey

السلام عليكم and happy Ramadhan!

Alhamdulillah syukur, masih berkesempatan menyambut bulan mulia, bulan penuh keberkatan.

Unfortunately it's repeating! My inconsistency in keeping good habits. Susahnya nak istiqomah. Entahlah kata orang 40 hari praktis insyallah jaya. Okay here we go...starting from today, 9 July 2013, the day before Ramadhan...(aik tiba-tiba teringat birthday adik 11 July 2013 kah kah kah)

Solat Terawih (with different Imams <3)
  • Day 0: I forgot how to Witir in 1 salam =.='
  • Day 1: Suddenly there was no tazkirah
  • Day 2: Imam did 4 + 3 which confuses most of us who were used to 8 + 3. On another note, no offense, but big sized girl sooner or later will break my small frame. Learning to adjust my toes
  • Day 3: Imam sengau-sengau merdu. Just like Saujana lead singer hehe. Witir Imam's voice so far was the best 
  • Day 4: Most pleasant Terawih...the girls on my sides were graceful and considerate, the air-condition was cooler (people went back kampung) and the Imam's recitation both Isyak and Terawih was soothing. I felt blessed <3
  • Day 5: Imam was a singer, believe me his recital was like a sing-song, so beautifully delivered
  • Day 6: Suddenly there was solat hajat before solat sunat after Isyak
  • Day 7: Praying under air-conditioner. Tazkirah went 20 minutes long

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