Saturday 4 August 2012

Bandung Budget Trip Day 3

Day 3 - 29 June 2012

The entire day was dedicated for shopping in factory outlets.

But I don't have much photos to show.

Anyway, we had our lunch at Karamba restaurant, this time it was Sundanese cuisines! Our Sundanese Supir helped us to choose. I remember reading somewhere that a deep-fried Gurame is a must try! So we ordered Gurame!

Later I found out that it's actually Ikan Kaloi =.='. Gurame is Osphronemus gouramy, a gourami, a freshwater fish. Believe me sedappppp.

And the Mendoan, oh my food...sedap gila.

I vote this restaurant the best we went in Bandung!

Bandung very own otak-otak. More like fish cake
Nasi Goreng Karamba 30000 rupiah or RM10
Rice for 4 16000 @ RM5.40
Karedok 14000 @ RM4.70
Peda Bakar 8000 @ RM2.70
Tahu 12000 @  RM4
Mendoan (Left below) 15000 @ RM5
SEDAP. Gurame Cobek (Ze Kaloi) 67000 @ RM22.40
Ayam Goreng 15000 @ RM5. Ayam Bandung kurus-kurus semua.

We decided to go back to Cibaduyut. Grutty Shoes was the best store there.

Ballerina shoe 30000 @ RM10

We bough Chocolatos from a random store on our way back, same as love letter but more chocolaty
 With nothing to do, we went back to the market outside Pasar Baru.
Tidbits outside Pasar Baru

Day 4 - 30 June 2012

Our last day was only to pack. We used 50% of our luggage. Rugi. Cause we didn't shop much. 

On our way to the Bandung airport

No road is long with good company

See ya Bandung. We had so much fun. Cool climate, cool people. I'll be back ;)

note: changed 900000 with 0.33 rate got back RM297.00

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