Sunday 26 October 2014

Guangzhou Budget Trip Day 2

For Day 1, click here.

Day 2

Last night we couldn't decide where to head and just this morning we thought of buying fabric for those back home. Netizens said Zhongda is a place for fabric hunt but tough luck we wasted 1 day there. Will tell you later.

I suggested to hubby to stop by at a huge cathedral we stumbled yesterday when we were walking down the Lide Lu or Lide Street. We were wondering why tourists were taking photos and as we look up, suddenly there was a cathedral smacked right at the centre of the city. Took us by surprise, really.

By the way, Lide Lu is a row of shop lots just outside Onelink Plaza, selling wholesale goods and the variety was abundance, LED lightings, plastics, tidbits, chinese herbs, machines, fake flowers and umbrellas. Too many and so colourful. Price wise, perhaps Lide Lu is slightly cheaper because Onelink Plaza is fully air-conditioned and more comfortable but still depends on your bargaining skills.

Anyway, as we walk down the street that morning, we realised Onelink Plaza wasn't open yet and everybody has just started opening their businesses. We went straight to the cathedral situated at the corner of Lide Lu. That cathedral reminded me of my bucket list to see the famous cathedral in New Zealand. Too bad New Zealand was shaken by earthquake in 2010 and Christchurch where the unique cathedral was situated, was closed and the cathedral was badly damaged #throwback

However, until today I regret not travelling far bit to take picture with a famous Mosque in Guangzhou because we don't know about it until a friendly air steward treated me so nice and asked if I went to the mosque. It hit me then that I should have check out the mosque. From there on, I told myself I must explore more about mosques in every place I go!

Back to the story, we went to Zhongda using MRT. Apparently Zhongda is really huge. Really huge. The malls are near to each other and the shoplots are countless. Needless to say China is a heaven for fabric lover. We were quite unlucky because the silk that we were looking for was not really easy to find. We for a start didn't know how a silk would look like. There were two types that we encountered here...

Thursday 7 August 2014

Guangzhou Budget Trip Day 1

So hubby and I went to Guangzhou for 4 days and 3 nights.

It was pretty crazy because we do not know what to expect and we barely studied the place.

Day 1

We were at Nanning at first because I had a training session there. We googled hotels in Guangzhou that's convenient to take public transportation and clean. We choose hotels based on reviews and the testimonies are rightly reliable and we got the best hotel in Guangzhou! That is Bauhinia Hotel. Got it through Agoda for about RM120/night but no window. Clean, modern and comfy. More than enough for us. The best thing is the strategic location, just 2 blocks from Onelink Plaza.

Clockwise: The bed and the "window", curtain hiding the otherwise see through bathroom, TV and desk, and the bathroom

Onelink Plaza is a shopping mall full with home decorations, souvenirs and cute items. I went on highest excited mode soonest I saw the prices, so freaking cheap! I couldn't believe my eyes. Till this day, I am not able to shop in Malaysia because of this. A necklace normally RM15 in Malaysia costs RM2 in Onelink Plaza. I could never buy anything ever again. The price difference totally messed up my mind.

On our arrival day, we went to Onelink Plaza and we just couldn't get enough from that place. From cushions, table lamps, mirror furniture to solar powerbanks, fancy gadgets and so many interesting items. Ordinary items made appealing because of its price and creativity. I wish I had tons of money back then.

The famous Onelink Plaza, heaven for home decorations, souvenirs and cute items
When we finally got out from this place, we came across Uighur Muslim selling fresh juice and grilled lamb just around the corner of Bauhinia Hotel. The lamb skewer was pretty popular and comments from the internet said that the lamb skewer is a must try. Knowing I rarely eat red meat and hubby loves lamb, we ordered 10 sticks, that was about RM2 each, plus a bread.

Our dinner that night
And yes, the lamb skewer tasted so good and it was my second time I consume lamb in my whole life. I definitely ate a lot. Hubby just laughed and teased all the way because of that. We should have bought more. Then we were thinking what was the spice mix the Uighur boy sprinkled just before he wrap for takeaway. I found out the name is Xinjiang Chili Lamb Skewer and the recipe is available in the internet. The secret ingredient are the cumin and Szechuan peppercorn. One day I'll try to make it.

Bauhinia Hotel provided free wifi and we chat with family members all night taking orders like China silk, Cheongsam and fabric. Also we updated them of what China was like. Guangzhou, among other things that I noticed were, the transportation system was great and the crowd really was huge.

End of Day 1

Sunday 11 May 2014

Kuala Terengganu-Besut

I was on a short work mission to Terengganu. I've never been to the Eastern part of Peninsular Malaysia. My 27 years of living. So I couldn't contained my excitement to the thought of Keropok Lekor! Fish Sausage (funny name I googled hahaha but it's kind true if you think about it). Original from Terengganu.

We stopped on our way back to the airport at Mengabang Tapah, a shop just at the side of the road. A white advert written in red, nobody could missed this place. Honestly haven't fried this Lekor. It's flying over South China Sea into several Lekor lovers in Sabah, tomorrow night!

Girl packing orders, still steaming hot. RM5 per 10 sticks of fish sausages including the sauce

Frozen for travel convenience. RM5 for 8 but I was already drawn to the earlier one, freshly made 

Also selling fish crackers

Mesmerizing Crystal Mosque. News has it that if you see from afar, the mosque as if floating on the water

We pulled over by the roadside to check out this night market. So random.
Night Market in Kuala Terengganu. Location unknown, along the way to the Airport

A beautiful beach in Besut, Terengganu:
Just opposite this beach is Pulau Perhentian or Perhentian Island. Next in my vacation list!

Before flying back the next day, we stopped by for afternoon snack!
Fried squid, fish and prawn. Heavenly snack! We also ordered fried mushroom and fish sausage. Munch munch munch!

This eatery located near the airport. I guess it was famous seeing crowd stopping over. The fried fish is special to Terengganu, never seen it elsewhere!

Terengganu, I will come back with my husband!

Jakarta-Bandung Budget Trip Day 1

See ya Bandung. We had so much fun. Cool climate, cool people. I'll be back ;)

I said that in June 2012. I actually went back to Bandung! Again with high school friend but this time I'm married! Masin ya kau mulut ;p

Initially I bought 15 return tickets for my high school friends including their couples and mine too, for RM89 each, from Kuala Lumpur to Jakarta back to Kuala Lumpur. Cheap riteee. Only 4 of us went, because 2 recently give birth, 2 were pregnant, 1 about to get married and 1 family couldn't get the connecting flights from Kota Kinabalu. Leaving us indecisive on whether to go or not.

We ended up having the best time of our lives, at least I feel that the trip was amazing. I must repeat that going on a vacation with close friends AND a husband, is really enjoyable. 

Day 1: 18 April 2014

AirAsia X landed at Soekarno-Hatta Jakarta International Airport. Feeder bus to the terminal
The Airport or Bandara in Indonesia was huge and comfortable. But we both were at lost when we went outside. It was noon and I know my husband starts getting moody when it's hot, so I quickly ask around. Asking if there is a bus to town. We both were clueless because for the first time in my life, my trip wasn't planned. We followed our friend to lead the way but she and her husband were on the earlier flight. During our honeymoon in Korea, hubby did his homework well. Here, we both were headless chickens.

Hubby said, "What do we call women if men we call Pak?". I said I don't know shit. 

We started talking to the airport guards and we quickly got hold on their daily languages. It was 'Mas' if we're calling men in general. 

"Mas, gi mana ya kalau mahu ke Monas, ada gak bas?" I mixed my Sabahan and my Eiffel I'm in Love.

The men showed us the buses across the terminal. The bus was called Bas Damri. We were told to get on a bus to Gambir. An area where Monas, Indonesia National Monument was located. Our hotel and train terminal to Bandung were nearby. So we got into the bus, relieved.

The International Terminal
The bus rupanya went to the domestic terminal, picking up passengers along the way. I was shocked when I came into realisation that that terminal was one of the movie scene for Eiffel I'm in Love!!! This movie was my all time favourite in my Matriculation days. The song 'Pujaanku' haunted me for years!

Eiffel I'm in Love Movie Site
The bus ride took about 45 minutes? We reached Gambir just in time for lunch and decided to stay inside the cool building for awhile.

We went into the huge park surrounding the Indonesia national monument to snap a few photos under the hot blazing sun.

We then went to check in our hotel.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Progress of New Home

Yesterday hubby went to have a look at our new home. Took some pictures and now we got a clearer picture on what to renovate.

At the entrance. Need to install a grill...

Going in. Already imagining the entryway flooring and white shoe rack with pink flower in a white flower pot on top. Plus a nice lighting and maybe some door frame

Straightaway could see the entrance to Bedroom one and Master-bedroom on the right. Some lighting there also would be nice and perhaps a wall table with a porcelain white vase decorating the empty space on the side wall

The living area. This wall shall be painted in luxury colour like brown or grey (so boring) with spotlights, becoming our feature wall for mounting television. The maple laminated flooring will cover these tiles and a white sofa with fat cushions and a distinctive colour throw will filled up the sofa. Berangannya kamu.

Immediately behind the living area shall be our dining area, 6 chaired white table with a vase of flower will be accompanied by a single hanging lighting, because chandelier is hard to clean. An over sized canvas picture will accompany the naked wall for money wasted elsewhere. Sad. Even though have not started wasting. 

Looking up the ceiling, hubby said "tingginya rumah kita" which I replied, it shall be covered by a plaster ceiling. This is where the money is gone.

Still amazed by the high ceiling, hoping to cornice and do L-box with down-lights. Dream so far away... 

Now the open kitchen few feet away from the living area. A breakfast counter will do the trick hiding miserable cooking me from the house warming guests. Kamu bersungguh-sungguh kan

Basically my favourite area. The entrance to the balcony, not the balcony! Will hang a Roman blind since there is no window but thinking it will look odd, will diy some cornice to this sliding door. Was hoping for a white framed glass door bajet English kamon la. Will put a huge leafy plant just at the corner kamon aku pun mau nampak landed.

Where the washing machine will operated by the hubby. Need to purchase a pipe and vinyl flooring might as well kan. 

The window to the Bedroom 2, locked so unable to judge. Need to put a window grill 

Looking over, I see a sewerage treatment plant, a centralised one for this housing area. Why you be my view?

Looking at the right, development still going on. The last of 5 blocks. 

What's that in the centre?

Looking down, we shall put a cage grill for my thought goes to babies especially beloved niece, better be safe and ugly grill than be sorry

The Master-bedroom. A bathroom, a window and a balcony. Lulus

The toilet. Already hoping for a hot shower and hubby scrubbing the floor

The balcony, also to be caged, with padlock where we can escape from fire. Wish to also install vinyl flooring and barbecued squid and made some lemonade 

Window of the Bedroom 2. Hubby wants to turn this into a sliding door

Alhamdulillah. Rezeki mendirikan masjid...

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Future Home

So I skipped the part where I got married. Tuhan Maha Kaya...benarlah jodoh itu rahsia Allah. Sungguh hebat aturanNya. Alhamdulillah I'm now married to somebody I until now couldn't believe it myself. And peliknya we're two different people, so different yet same in so many ways. Ei ntah payah nak explain. Yang penting pelik.

Orang kata bila dah kahwin ada rezeki datang and sekali lagi syukur the apartment we've been eyeing for months, fully booked and sold out, ada pula satu unit cancelled so this kind lady called my husband. We actually been eyeing for a townhouse but the price soared high in sub-sale market. We calculated our budget and thought to be realistic and live within our means. We'll buy our dream house when the bubble burst, I predict...emm...2016 eiceh.

So today he booked this walk-up apartment, still under development...completing in June or end of this year. The structure is already there. The price of property in KK is crazy, speculators are making it hard for young couples like us buying our own place to live. Luckily my husband and I have the same idea that our parents also started their lives living in small spaces. So 950 sq ft for RM208,000/- really is a huge bargain for us. 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, 2 balconies, 1 living and 1 dining area. Disadvantage is its on the top floor. I don't really mind now. Now. You get me?

Ours is in Block B, opposite Block C, in the middle. All units have their own corners. 

These photos were taken on 22 December 2013.

The most exciting part is always, dreaming and planning the interior together.

I asked him if we could open the bedroom near the balcony to be the living room. So a sliding door will be replacing the wall and a huge thick curtain will be the center-piece. Pastu buat pergo flooring. Then he said beli the unit next to us, pecah tengah making a penthouse. Aicemen. Angan-angan.

Next move is to actually get our loan approved. We pray.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Mount Kinabalu Budget Trip! 2 of 2


Rumah Terbalik

First sekali, kitorang visit dulu the infamous Rumah Terbalik (The Upside Down House) at Tamparuli. The car at the porch, bed, kitchen, toilet and home furnitures semua terbalik. No photographs was allowed inside the premise. So I can only describe that it was a short tour to the living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen, like in 10 minutes. Well it was a cute experience.

RM10 entrance fee

Gerai Pekan Nabalu

Gerai Pekan Nabalu (a handicraft market) is located further up, towards Kundasang. It worth to stop by to rest. Being Sabahan I didn't purchase anything but some rare junk-food I used to eat in my childhood. Oh, the tees were way cheaper here than in the Philipino Market.
Resembled a long house. Entrance in the middle, behind me stretched a similar hallway like in the above

Kundasang Fresh Vegetables

When passing through Kundasang, you'll see stalls by the roadside selling fresh vegetables, flowers, honey and local food. Nearby were two restaurants that can cook and serve other menu. So we brought our vege there for lunch.
Turned out to be a very delicious mixed vegetables and chinese cabbage with salted fish. Sedap gila. I bet those don't fancy vege will change their mind after eating these!
Mouth-watering fresh vege dishes! Sayur campur and goreng ikan masin the best everrr


Sabah Tea Garden

Sabah Tea is an organic tea planted in the land of Borneo, which gave a distinctive taste than others planted elsewhere. This visit was enjoyable and very informative. Some historical background and facts about teas were well explained by the Otai in green shirt below. He was so passionate about teas that he was able to answer weird questions from us. Say, what's the difference in taste of Sabah Tea compared to Lipton and Cameron?

Now, the photo below was two glasses of room temperature pipe water with two brand of teas. It showed that the Sabah Tea on the left, dropped to the bottom leaving orange colour ring circling the glass, whilst on the right was cheap brand X tea usually used in Maples (read: Mamak Place). Artificial colouring started to dominate the water in a brilliant colour, mistaken by us to be teh pekat when we drank teh kosong or teh tarik. Ewww kaaan. The colouring is unhealthy so better bring your own tea bags to Maple after this ;p

Bottom right picture is freshly made Sabah Teh Tarik, tasted so strong almost like grasses. But I like it <3
Sabah Tea Garden

Kundasang War Memorial

Kundasang War Memorial

Mesilau Dairy Farm

Bunk beds for the six girls. Shared bathroom and common room, at Mesilau Nature Resort

We stayed for the night at Mesilau Nature Resort. Heated shower, the room felt warm too. The 3-course welcoming dinner was amazing.


The following morning, we had a wonderful buffet breakfast. I was so hungry that Boyfie over the phone reminded me not to eat too much. Mana nak membuang tengah-tengah hutan? He said. Tapi ada pondok? I argued. Yes, at each kilometer there is a hut usually with a toilet and drinking water supply.

Kalau tak sempat? 

Ok...tak makan banyak =.='

Packed lunch...on the left, our guy weighting the bags and tour guide briefed us on the route and safety

We sprayed cramp-relief spray on our legs and prepared glucose drinks. I was neither fit nor determined. So with prayers chanted in my head, I stepped towards the entrance and hoped for the best. You know I was the lembik one in my family.

Beautiful Mesilau Trail

[Can't believe I changed my camera to macro mode to capture these, while in total exhaustion]
The junction between Mesilau and Timpohon Trail

I was actually too tired to even hold my camera...hai blog punya pasal ambil la juga ;p
The vegetation reminded me of Bio labs...had to hand-draw, categorize and describe the species. I felt so close to certain species because I know how they reproduce? O.o

Anyway my pace didn't match any of the group members, four were way ahead, two were behind me. Regular climbers know that you should only follow your own pace. So only me, and nature...then there was a bug kept on following me until certain height. I also met some groups and individuals, chatted for a bit and either I left them or they left me. Most of the time, I was alone T_T

Our guide reminded us earlier to enjoy the nature and not to really think about how far more to go. It was all mental strength rather than physical.

Sorry la, tapi the endless trails especially the last 2 km, made me hate the rocks and muddy trails. I was questioning the real reason why I was here, doing something I don't even like. My mind was so full of frustration that it brushed off the scary feeling about the spiritual beings living in the place. At this kind of places, there'll always something residing and Alhamdulillah, it didn't really creep me out. Something strange did happened. Will story-tell in Day 4.


At 2.00 am, I woke up empty. All I could think of was I must stay warm sebab tak tahan sejuk. We went up to Laban Rata for supper and followed suit my colleagues who swallowed anti-vomit pills. Felt like taking drugs because I rarely take medicine unless I urgently need to. Sprayed cramp-relief spray and put on raincoat as it was unfortunately raining.

The journey started with hundreds of endless stairs. Until today, the vision of my friend's white raincoat and shoes with electric-green socks (which she called hijau ang-ang) stepping on the stairs and I did the same over and over, was one of the nightmares that made me sad. I was and am sad, I hated the stairs, it never end and I was already tired. It made me sad more than mad, my wish was really simple, I want the stairs to end! Was it too much too ask for? I wanted to go home real bad...

At one point, I lost her and met her again resting, but I told myself I will not get up if I stayed for than a minute. So in slow-motion, I gathered my bag, left her and started to walk up. I was so slow that people excused themselves to pass me by. Hundred times, I signaled other climbers to go ahead, I was too exhausted.

Then a really thick rope caught me by surprise. You need to imagine that the place was pitch dark, my headlamp only flashed towards where I look. The rope was as big as my wrist, no kidding. The rope leading to a 70 degree angle slope, where all had to climb. Okay, at least tangga dah hilang, cerun pun cerunlah!

The climb was okay until at certain point my body froze without my will. My body said to me that it experienced this freezing-freezing waktu dalam Gua Tempurung! Halamak sama la pulak. I don't want to be made into a ball rolling down the slope so my body stopped moving.

It was my destiny that I made a human traffic jam behind me. It was also my destiny that the situation made me popular among mountain guides. Seeing the traffic, a mountain guide had to pull me up. It was easy because he assured me to stand up and just walk. Soon, several mountain guides, pulled me up, till I reached Sayat-Sayat, the final stop and the registration station before continuing climbing to the top. Jauh tu. They teased me till I reached down Laban Rata. A shout-out to kind mountain guides of Mount Kinabalu, you are the best!

One particular path which I will always remember, was an area called Danger. I was instructed to walk leaning to my body to the left while holding the thick rope (and wet too), or I might fall into a cliff (haha exaggerate pula). It was dark and I don't dare to look what was the angle of the slope like. It was a piece of cake. Yay for me!

Upon reaching Sayat-Sayat, our own mountain guide greeted me, he was waiting for one more person before leaving the place. Our group was divided into two, so I was the last four in the first group. Alhamdulillah.

Again, I was pulled up. This time by my own guide. I don't want to rest for too long or my legs will give away. So to move non-stop, I need his hand so each time it became sloppier, he pulled me up.

"Sikit lagi Kak"

Yalah tu sikit lagi. I saw lights in a zig-zag, far on the mountain. So it must be so far away but the climb became easier where I only need to walk.

The air was thin and I was hungry for nice food. I still tried to swallow my chocolate energy paste, so sticky and yuck. I drink my glucose water and all taste not good. I was exhausted and kept on thinking when will I reach the top. Once I crashed landed my body and asked him something.

"Tolong ambil gambar"

I must get a picture of this tormented journey. I also wanted to record the time. It was 4.35 am. I continued to walk until he pointed to the end of the trail, which was too sloppy for me to look what was behind it. He said behind it is the Kilometer 8.

I was excited and quicken my pace. The moment I reached edge, it was nothing but endless steps to go. I was devastated. Was it that my 10 steps equals to his 1 step? He made it as if it was really near.

"Dekat sudah tu Kak"


Finally at 5.21 am, I reached KM 8, 3929 meter above sea level. I was determined to reach the top. Holding hands, I told him I want to watch the sunrise. He said I will and kept on motivating me. In my heart I knew, the climb would be impossible without the mountain guides.

The sun has risen, we stopped by at one corner to watch. It was so beautiful. We continued the walk to the top. Other mountain guides started to notice me and teased all the way to the top.

Breath-taking view from the top of Mount Kinabalu. The first picture was overlooking Kota Kinabalu

Allahuakbar...Allah Maha Besar...the view made me breathless, apart from me already being short of breath. I was mesmerized by the beautiful formation of rock, the colour and the texture.

But not for long. Because the feeling sitting on a rock, overlooking Kota Kinabalu city really made me full of emotion...

How do I ever get down from here?

Totally dumbfounded by the thought of walking back the same route, I just wanted to close my eyes and parachute straight into civilization. I hate myself for doing this, I'm not a climber nor that I enjoyed climbing. I tried hard to recall why my colleague and I arrange this trip in the first place.

At 6.20 am, I took photos on the top, with the first 3 friends. It was so cold even more with the wind blowing in. We didn't stay long and climbed down.